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// Portions Copyright 2018 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
// Portions Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE-BSD-3-Clause file.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause
//! Traits for allocating, handling and interacting with the VM's physical memory.
//! For a typical hypervisor, there are several components, such as boot loader, virtual device
//! drivers, virtio backend drivers and vhost drivers etc, that need to access VM's physical memory.
//! This crate aims to provide a set of stable traits to decouple VM memory consumers from VM
//! memory providers. Based on these traits, VM memory consumers could access VM's physical memory
//! without knowing the implementation details of the VM memory provider. Thus hypervisor
//! components, such as boot loader, virtual device drivers, virtio backend drivers and vhost
//! drivers etc, could be shared and reused by multiple hypervisors.
pub mod address;
pub use address::{Address, AddressValue};
#[cfg(feature = "backend-atomic")]
pub mod atomic;
#[cfg(feature = "backend-atomic")]
pub use atomic::{GuestMemoryAtomic, GuestMemoryLoadGuard};
mod atomic_integer;
pub use atomic_integer::AtomicInteger;
pub mod bitmap;
pub mod bytes;
pub use bytes::{AtomicAccess, ByteValued, Bytes};
pub mod endian;
pub use endian::{Be16, Be32, Be64, BeSize, Le16, Le32, Le64, LeSize};
pub mod guest_memory;
pub use guest_memory::{
Error as GuestMemoryError, FileOffset, GuestAddress, GuestAddressSpace, GuestMemory,
GuestMemoryRegion, GuestUsize, MemoryRegionAddress, Result as GuestMemoryResult,
#[cfg(all(feature = "backend-mmap", unix))]
mod mmap_unix;
#[cfg(all(feature = "backend-mmap", windows))]
mod mmap_windows;
#[cfg(feature = "backend-mmap")]
pub mod mmap;
#[cfg(feature = "backend-mmap")]
pub use mmap::{Error, GuestMemoryMmap, GuestRegionMmap, MmapRegion};
pub mod volatile_memory;
pub use volatile_memory::{
Error as VolatileMemoryError, Result as VolatileMemoryResult, VolatileArrayRef, VolatileMemory,
VolatileRef, VolatileSlice,