use std::{
task::{Context, Poll},
use bytes::{Buf, Bytes};
use http::HeaderMap;
use http_body::{Body, Frame};
use crate::util::BufList;
/// A collected body produced by [`BodyExt::collect`] which collects all the DATA frames
/// and trailers.
/// [`BodyExt::collect`]: crate::BodyExt::collect
pub struct Collected<B> {
bufs: BufList<B>,
trailers: Option<HeaderMap>,
impl<B: Buf> Collected<B> {
/// If there is a trailers frame buffered, returns a reference to it.
/// Returns `None` if the body contained no trailers.
pub fn trailers(&self) -> Option<&HeaderMap> {
/// Aggregate this buffered into a [`Buf`].
pub fn aggregate(self) -> impl Buf {
/// Convert this body into a [`Bytes`].
pub fn to_bytes(mut self) -> Bytes {
pub(crate) fn push_frame(&mut self, frame: Frame<B>) {
let frame = match frame.into_data() {
Ok(data) => {
// Only push this frame if it has some data in it, to avoid crashing on
// `BufList::push`.
if data.has_remaining() {
Err(frame) => frame,
if let Ok(trailers) = frame.into_trailers() {
if let Some(current) = &mut self.trailers {
} else {
self.trailers = Some(trailers);
impl<B: Buf> Body for Collected<B> {
type Data = B;
type Error = Infallible;
fn poll_frame(
mut self: Pin<&mut Self>,
_: &mut Context<'_>,
) -> Poll<Option<Result<Frame<Self::Data>, Self::Error>>> {
let frame = if let Some(data) = self.bufs.pop() {
} else if let Some(trailers) = self.trailers.take() {
} else {
return Poll::Ready(None);
impl<B> Default for Collected<B> {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
bufs: BufList::default(),
trailers: None,
impl<B> Unpin for Collected<B> {}
mod tests {
use std::convert::TryInto;
use futures_util::stream;
use crate::{BodyExt, Full, StreamBody};
use super::*;
async fn full_body() {
let body = Full::new(&b"hello"[..]);
let buffered = body.collect().await.unwrap();
let mut buf = buffered.to_bytes();
assert_eq!(&buf.copy_to_bytes(buf.remaining())[..], &b"hello"[..]);
async fn segmented_body() {
let bufs = [&b"hello"[..], &b"world"[..], &b"!"[..]];
let body = StreamBody::new(stream::iter(<_, Infallible>)));
let buffered = body.collect().await.unwrap();
let mut buf = buffered.to_bytes();
assert_eq!(&buf.copy_to_bytes(buf.remaining())[..], b"helloworld!");
async fn delayed_segments() {
let one = stream::once(async { Ok::<_, Infallible>(Frame::data(&b"hello "[..])) });
let two = stream::once(async {
// a yield just so its not ready immediately
Ok::<_, Infallible>(Frame::data(&b"world!"[..]))
let stream = futures_util::StreamExt::chain(one, two);
let body = StreamBody::new(stream);
let buffered = body.collect().await.unwrap();
let mut buf = buffered.to_bytes();
assert_eq!(&buf.copy_to_bytes(buf.remaining())[..], b"hello world!");
async fn trailers() {
let mut trailers = HeaderMap::new();
trailers.insert("this", "a trailer".try_into().unwrap());
let bufs = [
let body = StreamBody::new(stream::iter(<_, Infallible>)));
let buffered = body.collect().await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(&trailers, buffered.trailers().unwrap());
let mut buf = buffered.to_bytes();
assert_eq!(&buf.copy_to_bytes(buf.remaining())[..], b"helloworld!");
/// Test for issue [#88](
async fn empty_frame() {
let bufs: [&[u8]; 1] = [&[]];
let body = StreamBody::new(stream::iter(<_, Infallible>)));
let buffered = body.collect().await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(buffered.to_bytes().len(), 0);