#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum BindError {
MissingCompileTimeFeature {
reason: &'static str,
feature: &'static str,
MissingPlatformSupport {
reason: &'static str,
feature: &'static str,
EvnVarError {
reason: &'static str,
var: &'static str,
fault: &'static str,
InvalidUserOption { name: &'static str },
impl std::error::Error for BindError {}
impl std::fmt::Display for BindError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
BindError::MissingCompileTimeFeature { reason, feature } => write!(f, "tokio-listener: cannot {reason} because of {feature} was not enabled at compile time"),
BindError::MissingPlatformSupport { reason, feature } => write!(f, "tokio-listener: cannot {reason} because of it is not a {feature}"),
BindError::EvnVarError { var, fault, reason } => write!(f, "tokio-listener: cannot {reason} due to problem with environment variable {var}: {fault}"),
BindError::MultiBindWithoutAddresses => write!(f, "tokio-listener: no addresses specified to bind to"),
BindError::InvalidUserOption { name } => write!(f, "tokio-listener: invalid value for user option {name}"),
impl BindError {
pub(crate) fn ioerr<T>(self) -> Result<T, std::io::Error> {
Err(std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::Other, self))
pub(crate) fn get_envvar(
reason: &'static str,
var: &'static str,
) -> Result<String, std::io::Error> {
match std::env::var(var) {
Ok(x) => Ok(x),
Err(e) => match e {
std::env::VarError::NotPresent => BindError::EvnVarError {
fault: "not present",
std::env::VarError::NotUnicode(..) => BindError::EvnVarError {
fault: "not unicode",
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum AcceptError {
impl std::error::Error for AcceptError {}
impl std::fmt::Display for AcceptError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
AcceptError::InetdPseudosocketAlreadyTaken => write!(
"tokio-listener: Cannot serve a second connection in inetd mode"