use prost_wkt::MessageSerde;
use serde::de::{Deserialize, Deserializer};
use serde::ser::{Serialize, SerializeStruct, Serializer};
include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/pbany/"));
use prost::{DecodeError, Message, EncodeError, Name};
use std::borrow::Cow;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct AnyError {
description: Cow<'static, str>,
impl AnyError {
pub fn new<S>(description: S) -> Self
S: Into<Cow<'static, str>>,
AnyError {
description: description.into(),
impl std::error::Error for AnyError {
fn description(&self) -> &str {
impl std::fmt::Display for AnyError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
f.write_str("failed to convert Value: ")?;
impl From<prost::DecodeError> for AnyError {
fn from(error: DecodeError) -> Self {
AnyError::new(format!("Error decoding message: {error:?}"))
impl From<prost::EncodeError> for AnyError {
fn from(error: prost::EncodeError) -> Self {
AnyError::new(format!("Error encoding message: {error:?}"))
impl Any {
//#[deprecated(since = "0.5.0", note = "please use `from_msg` instead")]
/// Packs a message into an `Any` containing a `type_url` which will take the format
/// of ``, and a value containing the
/// encoded message.
pub fn try_pack<T>(message: T) -> Result<Self, AnyError>
T: Message + MessageSerde + Default,
let type_url = MessageSerde::type_url(&message).to_string();
// Serialize the message into a value
let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(message.encoded_len());
message.encode(&mut buf)?;
let encoded = Any {
value: buf,
//#[deprecated(since = "0.5.0", note = "please use `to_msg` instead")]
/// Unpacks the contents of the `Any` into the provided message type. Example usage:
/// ```ignore
/// let back: Foo = any.unpack_as(Foo::default())?;
/// ```
pub fn unpack_as<T: Message>(self, mut target: T) -> Result<T, AnyError> {
let instance = target.merge(self.value.as_slice()).map(|_| target)?;
/// Unpacks the contents of the `Any` into the `MessageSerde` trait object. Example
/// usage:
/// ```ignore
/// let back: Box<dyn MessageSerde> = any.try_unpack()?;
/// ```
pub fn try_unpack(self) -> Result<Box<dyn prost_wkt::MessageSerde>, AnyError> {
.find(|entry| self.type_url == entry.type_url)
.ok_or_else(|| format!("Failed to deserialize {}. Make sure prost-wkt-build is executed.", self.type_url))
.and_then(|entry| {
(entry.decoder)(&self.value).map_err(|error| {
"Failed to deserialize {}. Make sure it implements prost::Message. Error reported: {}",
/// From Prost's [`Any`] implementation.
/// Serialize the given message type `M` as [`Any`].
pub fn from_msg<M>(msg: &M) -> Result<Self, EncodeError>
M: Name,
let type_url = M::type_url();
let mut value = Vec::new();
Message::encode(msg, &mut value)?;
Ok(Any { type_url, value })
/// From Prost's [`Any`] implementation.
/// Decode the given message type `M` from [`Any`], validating that it has
/// the expected type URL.
pub fn to_msg<M>(&self) -> Result<M, DecodeError>
M: Default + Name + Sized,
let expected_type_url = M::type_url();
match (
) {
(Some(expected), Some(actual)) => {
if expected == actual {
return Ok(M::decode(&*self.value)?);
_ => (),
let mut err = DecodeError::new(format!(
"expected type URL: \"{}\" (got: \"{}\")",
expected_type_url, &self.type_url
err.push("unexpected type URL", "type_url");
impl Serialize for Any {
fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<<S as Serializer>::Ok, <S as Serializer>::Error>
S: Serializer,
match self.clone().try_unpack() {
Ok(result) => serde::ser::Serialize::serialize(result.as_ref(), serializer),
Err(_) => {
let mut state = serializer.serialize_struct("Any", 3)?;
state.serialize_field("@type", &self.type_url)?;
state.serialize_field("value", &self.value)?;
impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for Any {
fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
D: Deserializer<'de>,
let erased: Box<dyn prost_wkt::MessageSerde> =
let type_url = erased.type_url().to_string();
let value = erased.try_encoded().map_err(|err| {
serde::de::Error::custom(format!("Failed to encode message: {err:?}"))
Ok(Any { type_url, value })
/// URL/resource name that uniquely identifies the type of the serialized protocol buffer message,
/// e.g. ``.
/// This string must contain at least one "/" character.
/// The last segment of the URL's path must represent the fully qualified name of the type (as in
/// `path/google.protobuf.Duration`). The name should be in a canonical form (e.g., leading "." is
/// not accepted).
/// If no scheme is provided, `https` is assumed.
/// Schemes other than `http`, `https` (or the empty scheme) might be used with implementation
/// specific semantics.
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct TypeUrl<'a> {
/// Fully qualified name of the type, e.g. `google.protobuf.Duration`
full_name: &'a str,
impl<'a> TypeUrl<'a> {
fn new(s: &'a str) -> core::option::Option<Self> {
// Must contain at least one "/" character.
let slash_pos = s.rfind('/')?;
// The last segment of the URL's path must represent the fully qualified name
// of the type (as in `path/google.protobuf.Duration`)
let full_name = s.get((slash_pos + 1)..)?;
// The name should be in a canonical form (e.g., leading "." is not accepted).
if full_name.starts_with('.') {
return None;
Some(Self { full_name })
mod tests {
use crate::pbany::*;
use prost::{DecodeError, EncodeError, Message};
use prost_wkt::*;
use serde::*;
use serde_json::json;
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, ::prost::Message, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(default, rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct Foo {
#[prost(string, tag = "1")]
pub string: std::string::String,
impl Name for Foo {
const NAME: &'static str = "Foo";
const PACKAGE: &'static str = "any.test";
#[typetag::serde(name = "")]
impl prost_wkt::MessageSerde for Foo {
fn message_name(&self) -> &'static str {
fn package_name(&self) -> &'static str {
fn type_url(&self) -> &'static str {
fn new_instance(&self, data: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Box<dyn MessageSerde>, DecodeError> {
let mut target = Self::default();
Message::merge(&mut target, data.as_slice())?;
let erased: Box<dyn MessageSerde> = Box::new(target);
fn try_encoded(&self) -> Result<Vec<u8>, EncodeError> {
let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(Message::encoded_len(self));
Message::encode(self, &mut buf)?;
fn pack_unpack_test() {
let msg = Foo {
string: "Hello World!".to_string(),
let any = Any::try_pack(msg.clone()).unwrap();
let unpacked = any.unpack_as(Foo::default()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(unpacked, msg)
fn pack_unpack_with_downcast_test() {
let msg = Foo {
string: "Hello World!".to_string(),
let any = Any::try_pack(msg.clone()).unwrap();
let unpacked: &dyn MessageSerde = &any.unpack_as(Foo::default()).unwrap();
let downcast = unpacked.downcast_ref::<Foo>().unwrap();
assert_eq!(downcast, &msg);
fn deserialize_default_test() {
let type_url = "";
let data = json!({
"@type": type_url,
"value": {}
let erased: Box<dyn MessageSerde> = serde_json::from_value(data).unwrap();
let foo: &Foo = erased.downcast_ref::<Foo>().unwrap();
println!("Deserialize default: {foo:?}");
assert_eq!(foo, &Foo::default())
fn check_prost_any_serialization() {
let message = crate::Timestamp::date(2000, 1, 1).unwrap();
let any = Any::from_msg(&message).unwrap();
let message2 = any.to_msg::<crate::Timestamp>().unwrap();
assert_eq!(message, message2);
// Wrong type URL