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// Copyright 2021 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::io;
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
use super::os_compat::{statx_st, STATX_BASIC_STATS, STATX_MNT_ID};
use super::FileHandle;
use crate::api::EMPTY_CSTR;
pub type MountId = u64;
pub struct StatExt {
pub st: libc::stat64,
pub mnt_id: MountId,
* Fields in libc::statx are only valid if their respective flag in
* .stx_mask is set. This trait provides functions that allow safe
* access to the libc::statx components we are interested in.
* (The implementations of these functions need to check whether the
* associated flag is set, and then extract the respective information
* to return it.)
trait SafeStatXAccess {
fn stat64(&self) -> Option<libc::stat64>;
fn mount_id(&self) -> Option<MountId>;
impl SafeStatXAccess for statx_st {
fn stat64(&self) -> Option<libc::stat64> {
fn makedev(maj: libc::c_uint, min: libc::c_uint) -> libc::dev_t {
libc::makedev(maj, min)
if self.stx_mask & STATX_BASIC_STATS != 0 {
* Unfortunately, we cannot use an initializer to create the
* stat64 object, because it may contain padding and reserved
* fields (depending on the architecture), and it does not
* implement the Default trait.
* So we take a zeroed struct and set what we can.
* (Zero in all fields is wrong, but safe.)
let mut st = unsafe { MaybeUninit::<libc::stat64>::zeroed().assume_init() };
st.st_dev = makedev(self.stx_dev_major, self.stx_dev_minor);
st.st_ino = self.stx_ino;
st.st_mode = self.stx_mode as _;
st.st_nlink = self.stx_nlink as _;
st.st_uid = self.stx_uid;
st.st_gid = self.stx_gid;
st.st_rdev = makedev(self.stx_rdev_major, self.stx_rdev_minor);
st.st_size = self.stx_size as _;
st.st_blksize = self.stx_blksize as _;
st.st_blocks = self.stx_blocks as _;
st.st_atime = self.stx_atime.tv_sec;
st.st_atime_nsec = self.stx_atime.tv_nsec as _;
st.st_mtime = self.stx_mtime.tv_sec;
st.st_mtime_nsec = self.stx_mtime.tv_nsec as _;
st.st_ctime = self.stx_ctime.tv_sec;
st.st_ctime_nsec = self.stx_ctime.tv_nsec as _;
} else {
fn mount_id(&self) -> Option<MountId> {
if self.stx_mask & STATX_MNT_ID != 0 {
} else {
fn get_mount_id(dir: &impl AsRawFd, path: &CStr) -> Option<MountId> {
match FileHandle::from_name_at(dir, path) {
Ok(Some(v)) => Some(v.mnt_id),
_ => None,
// Only works on Linux, and libc::SYS_statx is only defined for these
// environments
/// Performs a statx() syscall. libc provides libc::statx() that does
/// the same, however, the system's libc may not have a statx() wrapper
/// (e.g. glibc before 2.28), so linking to it may fail.
/// libc::syscall() and libc::SYS_statx are always present, though, so
/// we can safely rely on them.
unsafe fn do_statx(
dirfd: libc::c_int,
pathname: *const libc::c_char,
flags: libc::c_int,
mask: libc::c_uint,
statxbuf: *mut statx_st,
) -> libc::c_int {
libc::syscall(libc::SYS_statx, dirfd, pathname, flags, mask, statxbuf) as libc::c_int
/// Execute `statx()` to get extended status with mount id.
pub fn statx(dir: &impl AsRawFd, path: Option<&CStr>) -> io::Result<StatExt> {
let mut stx_ui = MaybeUninit::<statx_st>::zeroed();
// Safe because this is a constant value and a valid C string.
let path = path.unwrap_or_else(|| unsafe { CStr::from_bytes_with_nul_unchecked(EMPTY_CSTR) });
// Safe because the kernel will only write data in `stx_ui` and we
// check the return value.
let res = unsafe {
if res >= 0 {
// Safe because we are only going to use the SafeStatXAccess
// trait methods
let stx = unsafe { stx_ui.assume_init() };
// if `statx()` doesn't provide the mount id (before kernel 5.8),
// let's try `name_to_handle_at()`, if everything fails just use 0
let mnt_id = stx
.or_else(|| get_mount_id(dir, path))
let st = stx
.ok_or_else(|| io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::ENOSYS))?;
Ok(StatExt { st, mnt_id })
} else {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::ffi::CString;
use std::fs::File;
fn test_statx() {
let topdir = env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR");
let dir = File::open(topdir).unwrap();
let filename = CString::new("build.rs").unwrap();
let st1 = statx(&dir, None).unwrap();
let st2 = statx(&dir, Some(&filename)).unwrap();
let mnt_id = get_mount_id(&dir, &filename).unwrap();
assert_eq!(st1.mnt_id, st2.mnt_id);
assert_eq!(st1.mnt_id, mnt_id);