use crate::opcode::{CodeIdx, ConstantIdx, Op, OpArg};
use crate::value::Value;
use crate::{CoercionKind, SourceCode};
use std::io::Write;
const U64_VARINT_SIZE: usize = 9;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
struct SourceSpan {
span: codemap::Span,
start: usize,
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct Chunk {
pub code: Vec<u8>,
pub constants: Vec<Value>,
spans: Vec<SourceSpan>,
last_op: usize,
impl Chunk {
pub fn push_op(&mut self, op: Op, span: codemap::Span) -> usize {
self.last_op = self.code.len();
self.code.push(op as u8);
self.push_span(span, self.last_op);
pub fn push_uvarint(&mut self, data: u64) {
let mut encoded = [0u8; U64_VARINT_SIZE];
let bytes_written = vu128::encode_u64(&mut encoded, data);
pub fn read_uvarint(&self, idx: usize) -> (u64, usize) {
idx < self.code.len(),
"invalid bytecode (missing varint operand)",
if self.code.len() - idx >= U64_VARINT_SIZE {
&self.code[idx..idx + U64_VARINT_SIZE]
.expect("size statically checked"),
} else {
let mut tmp = [0u8; U64_VARINT_SIZE];
tmp[..self.code.len() - idx].copy_from_slice(&self.code[idx..]);
pub fn push_u16(&mut self, data: u16) {
pub fn patch_jump(&mut self, idx: usize) {
let offset = (self.code.len() - idx - 1 - 2) as u16;
self.code[idx + 1..idx + 3].copy_from_slice(&offset.to_le_bytes())
pub fn read_u16(&self, idx: usize) -> u16 {
if idx + 2 > self.code.len() {
panic!("Tvix bug: invalid bytecode (expected u16 operand not found)")
let byte_array: &[u8; 2] = &self.code[idx..idx + 2]
.expect("fixed-size slice can not fail to convert to array");
pub fn first_span(&self) -> codemap::Span {
pub fn last_op(&self) -> Option<(Op, usize)> {
if self.code.is_empty() {
return None;
Some((self.code[self.last_op].into(), self.last_op))
pub fn push_constant(&mut self, data: Value) -> ConstantIdx {
let idx = self.constants.len();
pub fn get_constant(&self, constant: ConstantIdx) -> Option<&Value> {
fn push_span(&mut self, span: codemap::Span, start: usize) {
match self.spans.last_mut() {
Some(last) if last.span == span => {}
_ => self.spans.push(SourceSpan { span, start }),
pub fn get_span(&self, offset: CodeIdx) -> codemap::Span {
let position = self
.binary_search_by(|span| span.start.cmp(&offset.0));
let span = match position {
Ok(index) => &self.spans[index],
Err(index) => {
if index == 0 {
} else {
&self.spans[index - 1]
pub fn disassemble_op<W: Write>(
writer: &mut W,
source: &SourceCode,
width: usize,
idx: CodeIdx,
) -> Result<usize, std::io::Error> {
write!(writer, "{:#width$x}\t ", idx.0, width = width)?;
let line = source.get_line(self.get_span(idx));
if idx.0 > 0 && source.get_line(self.get_span(idx - 1)) == line {
write!(writer, " |\t")?;
} else {
write!(writer, "{:4}\t", line)?;
let _fmt_constant = |idx: ConstantIdx| match &self.constants[idx.0] {
Value::Thunk(t) => t.debug_repr(),
Value::Closure(c) => format!("closure({:p})", c.lambda),
Value::Blueprint(b) => format!("blueprint({:p})", b),
val => format!("{}", val),
let op: Op = self.code[idx.0].into();
match op.arg_type() {
OpArg::None => {
writeln!(writer, "Op{:?}", op)?;
OpArg::Fixed => {
let arg = self.read_u16(idx.0 + 1);
writeln!(writer, "Op{:?}({})", op, arg)?;
OpArg::Uvarint => {
let (arg, size) = self.read_uvarint(idx.0 + 1);
writeln!(writer, "Op{:?}({})", op, arg)?;
Ok(1 + size)
_ => match op {
Op::CoerceToString => {
let kind: CoercionKind = self.code[idx.0 + 1].into();
writeln!(writer, "Op{:?}({:?})", op, kind)?;
Op::Closure | Op::ThunkClosure | Op::ThunkSuspended => {
let mut cidx = idx.0 + 1;
let (bp_idx, size) = self.read_uvarint(cidx);
cidx += size;
let (packed_count, size) = self.read_uvarint(cidx);
cidx += size;
let captures_with = packed_count & 0b1 == 1;
let count = packed_count >> 1;
write!(writer, "Op{:?}(BP @ {}, ", op, bp_idx)?;
if captures_with {
write!(writer, "captures with, ")?;
writeln!(writer, "{} upvalues)", count)?;
for _ in 0..count {
let (_, size) = self.read_uvarint(cidx);
cidx += size;
Ok(cidx - idx.0)
_ => panic!("Tvix bug: don't know how to format argument for Op{:?}", op),
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::test_utils::dummy_span;
fn push_op() {
let mut chunk = Chunk::default();
let idx = chunk.push_op(Op::Add, dummy_span());
assert_eq!(*chunk.code.last().unwrap(), Op::Add as u8);
assert_eq!(chunk.code[idx], Op::Add as u8);
fn push_op_with_arg() {
let mut chunk = Chunk::default();
let mut idx = chunk.push_op(Op::Constant, dummy_span());
assert_eq!(chunk.code[idx], Op::Constant as u8);
idx += 1;
let (arg, size) = chunk.read_uvarint(idx);
assert_eq!(idx + size, chunk.code.len());
assert_eq!(arg, 42);
fn push_jump() {
let mut chunk = Chunk::default();
chunk.push_op(Op::Constant, dummy_span());
let idx = chunk.push_op(Op::Jump, dummy_span());
chunk.push_op(Op::Constant, dummy_span());
chunk.push_op(Op::Return, dummy_span());
let expected: Vec<u8> = vec![
Op::Constant as u8, 0,
Op::Jump as u8, 2, 0,
Op::Constant as u8, 1,
Op::Return as u8,
assert_eq!(chunk.code, expected);