Struct tvix_eval::compiler::Compiler

source ·
pub struct Compiler<'source, 'observer> {
    contexts: Vec<LambdaCtx>,
    warnings: Vec<EvalWarning>,
    errors: Vec<Error>,
    root_dir: PathBuf,
    globals: Rc<GlobalsMap>,
    source: &'source SourceCode,
    file: &'source File,
    observer: &'observer mut dyn CompilerObserver,
    dead_scope: usize,


§contexts: Vec<LambdaCtx>§warnings: Vec<EvalWarning>§errors: Vec<Error>§root_dir: PathBuf§globals: Rc<GlobalsMap>

Carries all known global tokens; the full set of which is created when the compiler is invoked.

Each global has an associated token, which when encountered as an identifier is resolved against the scope poisoning logic, and a function that should emit code for the token.

§source: &'source SourceCode

Reference to the struct holding all of the source code, which is used for error creation.

§file: &'source File

File reference in the source map for the current file, which is used for creating spans.

§observer: &'observer mut dyn CompilerObserver

Carry an observer for the compilation process, which is called whenever a chunk is emitted.

§dead_scope: usize

Carry a count of nested scopes which have requested the compiler not to emit anything. This used for compiling dead code branches to catch errors & warnings in them.



impl Compiler<'_, '_>

AST-traversing functions related to bindings.


fn compile_plain_inherits<N>( &mut self, slot: LocalIdx, kind: BindingsKind, count: &mut usize, node: &N, ) -> Vec<(Expr, SmolStr, Span)>
where N: ToSpan + HasEntryProxy,

Compile all inherits of a node with entries that do not have a namespace to inherit from, and return the remaining ones that do.


fn declare_namespaced_inherits( &mut self, kind: BindingsKind, inherit_froms: Vec<(Expr, SmolStr, Span)>, bindings: &mut TrackedBindings, )

Declare all namespaced inherits, that is inherits which are inheriting values from an attribute set.

This only ensures that the locals stack is aware of the inherits, it does not yet emit bytecode that places them on the stack. This is up to the owner of the bindings vector, which this function will populate.


fn declare_bindings<N>( &mut self, kind: BindingsKind, count: &mut usize, bindings: &mut TrackedBindings, node: &N, )
where N: ToSpan + HasEntryProxy,

Declare all regular bindings (i.e. key = value;) in a bindings scope, but do not yet compile their values.


pub(super) fn compile_attr_set(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, node: &AttrSet)

Compile attribute set literals into equivalent bytecode.

This is complicated by a number of features specific to Nix attribute sets, most importantly:

  1. Keys can be dynamically constructed through interpolation.
  2. Keys can refer to nested attribute sets.
  3. Attribute sets can (optionally) be recursive.

pub(super) fn compile_env(&mut self, env: &FxHashMap<SmolStr, Value>)

Emit definitions for all variables in the top-level global env passed to the evaluation (eg local variables in the REPL)


fn bind_values(&mut self, bindings: TrackedBindings)

Actually binds all tracked bindings by emitting the bytecode that places them in their stack slots.


fn compile_bindings<N>(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, kind: BindingsKind, node: &N)
where N: ToSpan + HasEntryProxy,


pub(super) fn compile_let_in(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, node: &LetIn)

Compile a standard let ...; in ... expression.

Unless in a non-standard scope, the encountered values are simply pushed on the stack and their indices noted in the entries vector.


pub(super) fn compile_legacy_let(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, node: &LegacyLet)


pub(super) fn is_user_defined(&mut self, ident: &str) -> bool

Is the given identifier defined by the user in any current scope?


fn compile_identifier_access<N: ToSpan + Clone>( &mut self, slot: LocalIdx, ident: &str, node: &N, )

Resolve and compile access to an identifier in the scope.


pub(super) fn compile_ident(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, node: &Ident)


impl Compiler<'_, '_>

Private compiler helpers related to bindings.


fn resolve_upvalue(&mut self, ctx_idx: usize, name: &str) -> Option<UpvalueIdx>


fn add_upvalue(&mut self, ctx_idx: usize, kind: UpvalueKind) -> UpvalueIdx


impl Compiler<'_, '_>


pub(crate) fn span_for<S: ToSpan>(&self, to_span: &S) -> Span


impl<'source, 'observer> Compiler<'source, 'observer>

Compiler construction


pub(crate) fn new( location: Option<PathBuf>, globals: Rc<GlobalsMap>, env: Option<&FxHashMap<SmolStr, Value>>, source: &'source SourceCode, file: &'source File, observer: &'observer mut dyn CompilerObserver, ) -> EvalResult<Self>


impl Compiler<'_, '_>


fn context(&self) -> &LambdaCtx


fn context_mut(&mut self) -> &mut LambdaCtx


fn chunk(&mut self) -> &mut Chunk


fn scope(&self) -> &Scope


fn scope_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Scope


fn push_op<T: ToSpan>(&mut self, data: Op, node: &T) -> CodeIdx

Push a single instruction to the current bytecode chunk and track the source span from which it was compiled.


fn push_u8(&mut self, data: u8)


fn push_uvarint(&mut self, data: u64)


fn push_u16(&mut self, data: u16)


pub(crate) fn emit_constant<T: ToSpan>(&mut self, value: Value, node: &T)

Emit a single constant to the current bytecode chunk and track the source span from which it was compiled.


impl Compiler<'_, '_>


fn compile(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, expr: Expr)


fn compile_dead_code(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, node: Expr)

Compiles an expression, but does not emit any code for it as it is considered dead. This will still catch errors and warnings in that expression.

A warning about the that code being dead is assumed to already be emitted by the caller of this.


fn compile_literal(&mut self, node: &Literal)


fn compile_path(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, node: &Path)


fn compile_str_parts( &mut self, slot: LocalIdx, parent_node: &Str, parts: Vec<InterpolPart<String>>, )

Helper that compiles the given string parts strictly. The caller (compile_str) needs to figure out if the result of compiling this needs to be thunked or not.


fn compile_str(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, node: &Str)


fn compile_unary_op(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, op: &UnaryOp)


fn compile_binop(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, op: &BinOp)


fn compile_and(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, node: &BinOp)


fn compile_or(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, node: &BinOp)


fn compile_implication(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, node: &BinOp)


fn compile_list(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, node: &List)

Compile list literals into equivalent bytecode. List construction is fairly simple, consisting of pushing code for each literal element and an instruction with the element count.

The VM, after evaluating the code for each element, simply constructs the list from the given number of elements.


fn compile_attr(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, node: &Attr)


fn compile_has_attr(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, node: &HasAttr)


fn optimise_select(&mut self, path: &Attrpath) -> bool

When compiling select or select_or expressions, an optimisation is possible of compiling the set emitted a constant attribute set by immediately replacing it with the actual value.

We take care not to emit an error here, as that would interfere with thunking behaviour (there can be perfectly valid Nix code that accesses a statically known attribute set that is lacking a key, because that thunk is never evaluated). If anything is missing, just inform the caller that the optimisation did not take place and move on. We may want to emit warnings here in the future.


fn compile_select(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, node: &Select)


fn compile_select_or( &mut self, slot: LocalIdx, set: Expr, path: Attrpath, default: Expr, )

Compile an or expression into a chunk of conditional jumps.

If at any point during attribute set traversal a key is missing, the OpAttrOrNotFound instruction will leave a special sentinel value on the stack.

After each access, a conditional jump evaluates the top of the stack and short-circuits to the default value if it sees the sentinel.

Code like { a.b = 1; }.a.c or 42 yields this bytecode and runtime stack:

           Bytecode                     Runtime stack
 ┌────────────────────────────┐   ┌─────────────────────────┐
 │    ...                     │   │ ...                     │
 │ 5  OP_ATTRS(1)             │ → │ 5  [ { a.b = 1; }     ] │
 │ 6  OP_CONSTANT("a")        │ → │ 6  [ { a.b = 1; } "a" ] │
 │ 7  OP_ATTR_OR_NOT_FOUND    │ → │ 7  [ { b = 1; }       ] │
 │ 8  JUMP_IF_NOT_FOUND(13)   │ → │ 8  [ { b = 1; }       ] │
 │ 9  OP_CONSTANT("C")        │ → │ 9  [ { b = 1; } "c"   ] │
 │ 10 OP_ATTR_OR_NOT_FOUND    │ → │ 10 [ NOT_FOUND        ] │
 │ 11 JUMP_IF_NOT_FOUND(13)   │ → │ 11 [                  ] │
 │ 12 JUMP(14)                │   │ ..     jumped over      │
 │ 13 CONSTANT(42)            │ → │ 12 [ 42 ]               │
 │ 14 ...                     │   │ ..   ....               │
 └────────────────────────────┘   └─────────────────────────┘

fn compile_assert(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, node: &Assert)

Compile assert expressions using jumping instructions in the VM.

                       │ 0  [ conditional ]  │
                       │ 1   JUMP_IF_FALSE  →┼─┐
                       │ 2  [  main body  ]  │ │ Jump to else body if
                      ┌┼─3─←     JUMP        │ │ condition is false.
 Jump over else body  ││ 4   OP_ASSERT_FAIL ←┼─┘
 if condition is true.└┼─5─→     ...         │

fn compile_if_else(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, node: &IfElse)

Compile conditional expressions using jumping instructions in the VM.

                       │ 0  [ conditional ] │
                       │ 1   JUMP_IF_FALSE →┼─┐
                       │ 2  [  main body  ] │ │ Jump to else body if
                      ┌┼─3─←     JUMP       │ │ condition is false.
 Jump over else body  ││ 4  [  else body  ]←┼─┘
 if condition is true.└┼─5─→     ...        │

fn compile_with(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, node: &With)

Compile with expressions by emitting instructions that pop/remove the indices of attribute sets that are implicitly in scope through with on the “with-stack”.


fn compile_param_pattern(&mut self, pattern: &Pattern) -> (Formals, CodeIdx)

Compiles pattern function arguments, such as { a, b }: ....

These patterns are treated as a special case of locals binding where the attribute set itself is placed on the first stack slot of the call frame (either as a phantom, or named in case of an @ binding), and the function call sets up the rest of the stack as if the parameters were rewritten into a let binding.

For example:

({ a, b ? 2, c ? a * b, ... }@args: <body>)  { a = 10; }

would be compiled similarly to a binding such as

let args = { a = 10; };
in let a = args.a;
       b = args.a or 2;
       c = args.c or a * b;
   in <body>

However, there are two properties of pattern function arguments that can not be compiled by desugaring in this way:

  1. Bindings have to fail if too many arguments are provided. This is done by emitting a special instruction that checks the set of keys from a constant containing the expected keys.
  2. Formal arguments with a default expression are (as an optimization and because it is simpler) not wrapped in another thunk, instead compiled and accessed separately. This means that the default expression may never make it into the local’s stack slot if the argument is provided by the caller. We need to take this into account and skip any operations specific to the expression like thunk finalisation in such cases.

fn compile_lambda(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, node: &Lambda) -> Option<CodeIdx>


fn thunk<N, F>(&mut self, outer_slot: LocalIdx, node: &N, content: F)
where N: ToSpan, F: FnOnce(&mut Compiler<'_, '_>, LocalIdx),


fn compile_lambda_or_thunk<N, F>( &mut self, is_suspended_thunk: bool, outer_slot: LocalIdx, node: &N, content: F, )
where N: ToSpan, F: FnOnce(&mut Compiler<'_, '_>, LocalIdx) -> Option<CodeIdx>,

Compile an expression into a runtime closure or thunk


fn compile_apply(&mut self, slot: LocalIdx, node: &Apply)


fn emit_upvalue_data<T: ToSpan>( &mut self, slot: LocalIdx, _: &T, upvalues: Vec<Upvalue>, capture_with: bool, )

Emit the data instructions that the runtime needs to correctly assemble the upvalues struct.


fn emit_literal_ident(&mut self, ident: &Ident)

Emit the literal string value of an identifier. Required for several operations related to attribute sets, where identifiers are used as string keys.


fn patch_jump(&mut self, idx: CodeIdx)

Patch the jump instruction at the given index, setting its jump offset from the placeholder to the current code position.

This is required because the actual target offset of jumps is not known at the time when the jump operation itself is emitted.


fn cleanup_scope<N: ToSpan>(&mut self, node: &N)

Decrease scope depth of the current function and emit instructions to clean up the stack at runtime.


fn new_context(&mut self)

Open a new lambda context within which to compile a function, closure or thunk.


fn declare_local<S: Into<String>, N: ToSpan>( &mut self, node: &N, name: S, ) -> LocalIdx

Declare a local variable known in the scope that is being compiled by pushing it to the locals. This is used to determine the stack offset of variables.


fn has_dynamic_ancestor(&mut self) -> bool

Determine whether the current lambda context has any ancestors that use dynamic scope resolution, and mark contexts as needing to capture their enclosing with-stack in their upvalues.


fn emit_force<N: ToSpan>(&mut self, node: &N)


fn emit_warning<N: ToSpan>(&mut self, node: &N, kind: WarningKind)


fn emit_error<N: ToSpan>(&mut self, node: &N, kind: ErrorKind)

Auto Trait Implementations§


impl<'source, 'observer> Freeze for Compiler<'source, 'observer>


impl<'source, 'observer> !RefUnwindSafe for Compiler<'source, 'observer>


impl<'source, 'observer> !Send for Compiler<'source, 'observer>


impl<'source, 'observer> !Sync for Compiler<'source, 'observer>


impl<'source, 'observer> Unpin for Compiler<'source, 'observer>


impl<'source, 'observer> !UnwindSafe for Compiler<'source, 'observer>

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> Same for T


type Output = T

Should always be Self

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<V, T> VZip<V> for T
where V: MultiLane<T>,


fn vzip(self) -> V