Module genawaiter::stack

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This module implements a generator which doesn’t allocate.

You can create a basic generator with let_gen! and [yield_!].

let_gen!(my_generator, {

If you don’t like macros, you can use the low-level API directly, though note that this requires you to trade away safety.

async fn my_producer(co: Co<'_, u8>) {
let mut shelf = Shelf::new();
let mut my_generator = unsafe { Gen::new(&mut shelf, my_producer) };


§Using Iterator

Generators implement Iterator, so you can use them in a for loop:

use genawaiter::{stack::let_gen, yield_};

let_gen!(odds_under_ten, {
    let mut n = 1;
    while n < 10 {
        n += 2;

for num in odds_under_ten {
    println!("{}", num);

§Collecting into a Vec

let xs: Vec<_> = odds_under_ten.into_iter().collect();
assert_eq!(xs, [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]);

§A generator is a closure

Like any closure, you can capture values from outer scopes.

let two = 2;
let_gen!(multiply, {
    yield_!(10 * two);
assert_eq!(multiply.resume(), GeneratorState::Yielded(20));

§Using resume()

assert_eq!(odds_under_ten.resume(), GeneratorState::Yielded(1));
assert_eq!(odds_under_ten.resume(), GeneratorState::Yielded(3));
assert_eq!(odds_under_ten.resume(), GeneratorState::Yielded(5));
assert_eq!(odds_under_ten.resume(), GeneratorState::Yielded(7));
assert_eq!(odds_under_ten.resume(), GeneratorState::Yielded(9));
assert_eq!(odds_under_ten.resume(), GeneratorState::Complete(()));

§Passing resume arguments

You can pass values into the generator.

Note that the first resume argument will be lost. This is because at the time the first value is sent, there is no future being awaited inside the generator, so there is no place the value could go where the generator could observe it.

let_gen!(check_numbers, {
    let num = yield_!(());
    assert_eq!(num, 1);

    let num = yield_!(());
    assert_eq!(num, 2);


§Returning a completion value

You can return a completion value with a different type than the values that are yielded.

let_gen!(numbers_then_string, {

assert_eq!(numbers_then_string.resume(), GeneratorState::Yielded(10));
assert_eq!(numbers_then_string.resume(), GeneratorState::Yielded(20));
assert_eq!(numbers_then_string.resume(), GeneratorState::Complete("done!"));

§Defining a reusable producer function

async fn produce() {

let_gen_using!(gen, produce);
assert_eq!(gen.resume(), GeneratorState::Yielded(10));

§Using the low-level API

You can define an async fn directly, instead of relying on the gen! or producer! macros.

use genawaiter::stack::{let_gen_using, Co};

async fn producer(co: Co<'_, i32>) {
    let mut n = 1;
    while n < 10 {
        n += 2;

let_gen_using!(odds_under_ten, producer);
let result: Vec<_> = odds_under_ten.into_iter().collect();
assert_eq!(result, [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]);

§Using the low-level API with an async closure (nightly Rust only)

let_gen_using!(gen, async move |co| {
assert_eq!(gen.resume(), GeneratorState::Yielded(10));
assert_eq!(gen.resume(), GeneratorState::Yielded(20));
assert_eq!(gen.resume(), GeneratorState::Complete(()));

§Using the low-level API with an async closure faux·sure (for stable Rust)

let_gen_using!(gen, |co| async move {
assert_eq!(gen.resume(), GeneratorState::Yielded(10));
assert_eq!(gen.resume(), GeneratorState::Yielded(20));
assert_eq!(gen.resume(), GeneratorState::Complete(()));

§Using the low-level API with function arguments

This is just ordinary Rust, nothing special.

async fn multiples_of(num: i32, co: Co<'_, i32>) {
    let mut cur = num;
    loop {
        cur += num;

let_gen_using!(gen, |co| multiples_of(10, co));
assert_eq!(gen.resume(), GeneratorState::Yielded(10));
assert_eq!(gen.resume(), GeneratorState::Yielded(20));
assert_eq!(gen.resume(), GeneratorState::Yielded(30));


  • Creates a generator using a producer defined elsewhere.


  • This is a generator which can be stack-allocated.
  • This data structure holds the transient state of an executing generator.

Type Aliases§

  • This object lets you yield values from the generator by calling the yield_ method.