- Represents errors that can happen during nar ingestion.
- Errors that can encounter while rendering NARs.
- Invoke write_nar, and return the size and sha256 digest of the produced NAR output.
- Ingests the contents from a AsyncRead providing NAR into the tvix store, interacting with a BlobService and DirectoryService. It returns the castore root node or an error.
- Ingests the contents from a AsyncRead providing NAR into the tvix store, interacting with a BlobService and DirectoryService. Returns the castore root node, as well as the sha256 and size of the NAR contents ingested.
- Accepts a Node pointing to the root of a (store) path, and uses the passed blob_service and directory_service to perform the necessary lookups as it traverses the structure. The contents in NAR serialization are writen to the passed AsyncWrite.