
Function deserialize_seed

pub fn deserialize_seed<'de, 'k, K, Kc: ?Sized, D, F, S>(
    deserializer: D,
    tag_key: &'k Kc,
    value_key: &'k Kc,
    seed_factory: F,
    tag_seed: S,
) -> Result<F::Value, D::Error>
where D: Deserializer<'de>, F: SeedFactory<'de, S::Value>, S: DeserializeSeed<'de>, K: Deserialize<'de> + PartialEq<&'k Kc>,
Expand description

Deserialize a map-based adjacently tagged value with the given tag-seed.

The deserializer controls the underlying data format while the seed-factory specifies the instructions (depending on the tag) on how the value should be deserialized.

See de for more information on SeedFactory and implementations thereof.


If you do not need to choose a specific deserialization-method based on the tag, you should prefer deserialize_known_seed to this method.