
Module character

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Character specific parsers and combinators

Functions recognizing specific characters


  • Character specific parsers and combinators, complete input version.
  • Character specific parsers and combinators, streaming version


  • Recognizes zero or more lowercase and uppercase ASCII alphabetic characters: a-z, A-Z
  • Recognizes one or more lowercase and uppercase ASCII alphabetic characters: a-z, A-Z
  • Recognizes zero or more ASCII numerical and alphabetic characters: 0-9, a-z, A-Z
  • Recognizes one or more ASCII numerical and alphabetic characters: 0-9, a-z, A-Z
  • Recognizes the string “\r\n”.
  • Recognizes zero or more ASCII numerical characters: 0-9
  • Recognizes one or more ASCII numerical characters: 0-9
  • Recognizes floating point number in text format and returns a f32.
  • Recognizes floating point number in text format and returns a f64.
  • Recognizes zero or more ASCII hexadecimal numerical characters: 0-9, A-F, a-f
  • Recognizes one or more ASCII hexadecimal numerical characters: 0-9, A-F, a-f
  • will parse a number in text form to a number
  • will parse a number in text form to a number
  • will parse a number in text form to a number
  • will parse a number in text form to a number
  • will parse a number in text form to a number
  • Recognizes an end of line (both ‘\n’ and ‘\r\n’).
  • Recognizes zero or more spaces, tabs, carriage returns and line feeds.
  • Recognizes one or more spaces, tabs, carriage returns and line feeds.
  • Matches a newline character ‘\n’.
  • Recognizes a string of any char except ‘\r\n’ or ‘\n’.
  • Recognizes zero or more octal characters: 0-7
  • Recognizes one or more octal characters: 0-7
  • Recognizes floating point number in a byte string and returns the corresponding slice.
  • Recognizes a floating point number in text format
  • Recognizes zero or more spaces and tabs.
  • Recognizes one or more spaces and tabs.
  • Matches a tab character ‘\t’.
  • will parse a number in text form to a number
  • will parse a number in text form to a number
  • will parse a number in text form to a number
  • will parse a number in text form to a number
  • will parse a number in text form to a number